
en Default locale
en Fallback locale


Defined 51

These messages are correctly translated into the given locale.

Locale Domain Times used Message ID Message Preview
en commons 1 login sign in
en commons 1 register register
en messages 1 index.presentation.h Get way more candidates now
en messages 1 index.presentation.p <p>SocialVault is a simple yet powerful tool, allowing you to get resumes directly <strong>from your website</strong>&nbsp;with a single line of code, and quickly grow a shared candidates archive.</p>
en messages 1 Discover now
en messages 1 SocialVault in 3 simple steps&nbsp;
en messages 1 Create your widgets
en messages 1 Setup your widgets in just a few clicks. Get an embeddable code that you can integrate on your sites in less than 1 minute.&nbsp;
en messages 1 Receive more resumes
en messages 1 It's super easy for your visitors to drop a resume on your site. You'll receive them all by email, whether it's for you or your teams (art, dev, finance, etc).
en messages 1 Find the best candidates
en messages 1 All resumes are searchable by keywords and findable. Google, react.js, Symfony, Robert, Service Design, etc :&nbsp;find the best candidates fast.
en messages 1 FREE
en messages 1 (pluralization is used) Unlimited access to the platform, emails and tools. The first 15 resumes received each month are available for free (the following resumes received are hidden in the free version, and the count is reset each month).
en messages 1 (pluralization is used) 15 CV
en commons 2 subscribe Subscribe
en messages 1 PRO
en messages 1 Unlimited access to all CVs and the entire platform.
en forms 1 IntervalType.month Monthly
en forms 1 IntervalType.year Annual
en messages 1 index.started.h Get started now !
en messages 1 index.started.p <span>SocialVault is <strong>free for now</strong>. It might <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">change later</a>, but we won't block any account at anytime and your files will always be accessible.<br /></span><span>We believe in karma :)</span>
en messages 1 index.started.card.header Test for free
en messages 1 index.started.card.body.title Main features&nbsp;
en messages 1 index.started.card.body.text.1 Searchable archive of all resumes
en messages 1 index.started.card.body.text.2 Receive resumes by email
en messages 1 index.started.card.body.text.3 Personalized widgets
en messages 1 index.started.card.body.text.4 Simple and quick setup
en messages 1 index.started.card.footer Start!
en messages 1 index.partnership.h <span>Made with ♡</span>
en messages 1 index.partnership.p <p>SocialVault was developed <strong>by and for <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">CosaVostra</a></strong>, a digital strategy consultancy firm based in Paris, London, Bordeaux and Tunis.&nbsp;<br />Since its implementation on our own website, we've received <strong>4 times more resumes</strong> than on any other channels.</p>
en messages 1 footer.about <a href="" target="_blank">About us</a>
en messages 1 privacy_policy_title Privacy Policy
en messages 1 <a href="">Contact us</a>
en messages 1 <a href="tel:+330177135080">01 77 13 50 80</a>
en forms 1 message.invalid_hexadecimal_code The hex code entered is invalid. The allowed characters are 0 ~ 9 and A ~ F. The hexadecimal code must contain six characters.
en messages 1 message.error.impossible_to_copy Error: can not copy text
en messages 1 message.result result
en messages 1 message.result_plural results
en forms 1 message.address_count address entered
en forms 1 message.address_count_plural addresses entered
en commons 1 delete Delete
en messages 1 message.deleting Deleting
en messages 1 message.multiple_delete element
en messages 1 message.multiple_delete_plural elements
en messages 1 message.empty_row element found
en forms 1 account.field.dropbox_token_response.valid The filled token is valid
en forms 1 account.field.dropbox_token_response.error Error: the filled token is not valid
en commons 1 inbox Unarchive
en commons 1 archive Archive
en messages 1 user_subscription.index.trial.month (pluralization is used) 2 MONTHS OFFERED

Fallback 0

These messages are not available for the given locale but Symfony found them in the fallback locale catalog.

No fallback translation messages were used.

Missing 0

These messages are not available for the given locale and cannot be found in the fallback locales. Add them to the translation catalogue to avoid Symfony outputting untranslated contents.

There are no messages of this category.